The website belongs to the association A.N.C.A., registered at the Prefecture of Saint-Nazaire under number 00443004700 whose registered office is:
Clos Marot 44420 Piriac sur Mer
The coast of love No. 00443004700 naturist AssociationAn affiliate of the French Federation of naturism
Accredits youth and popular education under the No. 44-04-50
Intellectual property:
The website, its general structure, as well as texts, images animated or not, know-how, drawings, graphics (...) and any other elements comprising the site, are the property of the A.N.E.C.. Any total or partial representation of this site by Qazi proceeded that it either, without the express permission of the operator of the website is forbidden and would constitute a counterfeit sanctioned by articles L 335 - 2 and following of the code of intellectual property. Any total or partial reproduction carried out from the elements of the Web site without the express permission of the site operator where its legal successor is therefore prohobee, within the meaning of article L713-2 of the ICC.
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The Marault road
44420 Piriac sur Mer
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